Keith Wilhelm

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I am a farm boy from Ohio who became a grumpy old man who later transformed me into the happy-go-lucky person I am today. I made my living as a mechanic and school bus transportation "Coordinator" and spent two terms as a school board member for my local school and career center.
I was a member of Toastmasters, where I began my love of writing and learning leadership and presentation skills. During my time as a Toastmaster, I help all the offices at the club level and some offices at the area and district levels. My greatest reward from Toastmasters was being in speech contests and presenting workshops for our district conferences.
I raised three step-children with my wife of 50 years. My involvement in the Boy and Girls Scouts was part of raising our children and holding leadership positions for the boys. I live in Ohio on the farm I grew up on, where I write, blog, garden, and go fishing.

Parenting- Creating the Happy Dance
This unique book was inspired by my good friend and educator, Jim Freeman Ed.D. His heart-centered approach to education helped take hundreds of expelled students off the streets and put them back in school. His success rate was unbelievable, with almost every student graduating with passing grades. It's my thoughts that his philosophy, along with my experience, would be a fantastic and well-needed parenting book.