Cherie Bronkar

Cherie Bronkar retired from her career as an Academic Library Director and embarked on a journey to educate children about the world of reptiles. She began creating fun and engaging children’s books to help bring awareness to the wonders of the reptile world.

Katana Explores Spring
Katana, a Jackson’s Chameleon, explores the wonder of spring. A fun and different look at all the aspects of spring. Perfect for young readers to learn about the changes that come in spring. Beautiful color photos of Katana finding spring flowers, grasses and more. Included are also fun spring activities to share with your child and spring words to help develop vocabulary.

Leaping Lizards Adventure
Lizards are amazing animals! In this book you'll find a wealth of information about a variety of lizards. Lizards are very different from other animals. Have you ever wondered how lizards do things like regulate their temperature, reproduce, grow a new tail or how they use their bodies for defense? Learn about their habits, locations, and tons of fun facts about each one of our lizards in this vibrant book full of color photos of all the lizards featured. Leaping Lizards Adventures shares our family of lizards through our books and educational programs. Visit our facebook page @leapinglizardsadventure for more photos and videos of our lizards.

Lucy Visits the Library
In this title from Leaping Lizards, Lucy the Blue Tongued Skink visits her local library and attends story time. Libraries are special places where everyone is welcome. Anyone can visit the library and check out books for free. Libraries offer many programs for children and adults. They are an important resource to every community.
Libraries aren’t just for books, there are videos, games, toys and even computers all available for free.
Blue Tongued Skinks are native to Indonesia and Australia. These amazing animals are know for their blue tongues. They are omnivores and eat a variety of fruits and vegetables and insects and snails.