Mollie Lyon

I am an author from Western Pennsylvania. I drove around Ohio with my home health job allowing ample time to dream and put to flight my publishing career. The flat land of Trumbull County allowed my imagination to soar. Four novels were birthed in this time.
I always wanted to be a writer, but chose nursing as the practical career. I thought I would be like my idol, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and publish when I was older like she did at sixty. I was eight years ahead of that goal. And now as I enter my sixieth year, I hope to revitalize my publishing journey. Look for new novels in the near future. I had been stuck, yet I feel refreshed and ready to put more to the test.

Outside of Time
A young wife, mother and writer fights demons and visions as she publishes her first novel. Amy Delahaunty meets Barry Wilson in their first year at college and fights his mother's vision for her son's marriage. Barry knows Amy is the woman for him. During her first book launch, an elderly Italian woman sits down to talk to her. No one else sees this woman, but her handwriting is tangible in the book. Will Amy trust the message as she is attacked for exposing the little Ohio Western Reserve town's secrets?

Main Street
Martha and Tom Sloan build a family and life on Main Street in a beautiful home in the early 1900's. Tom searches to better their way of life with expansion of his livery commerce into the new auto business. Life for Martha centers around her children, school, and neighborhood. One night they venture out to a new form of entertainment. They view a moving picture that fuels Tom's sense of superiority and ignites a flame of hatred. Martha finds herself increasingly isolated as Tom's actions bring that hatred to their front door.
A tragic accident on a stormy night emboldens Martha to fight against the hatred. Martha and Tom's reactions to the aftermath of the accident provide a glimpse at worldly and godly sorrow.

Summer Triangle
Love is enduring, so Maria Wilson thought. Married thirty years to her high school sweetheart, Brendan, life seemed perfect. With two grown children, a grandson and the last child entering her senior year at high school, they were set for empty nest years. A brutal attack during an early summer night's stroll changes every conception of her life. Will the Wilson's love endure the crashing of their dreams? Can Brendan accept his wife's pro-life convictions? Will Maria carry that stance to the point of losing her husband and her family in the life she carefully built? Will one night, one life, ruin a whole family? The meaning Maria gives to the Summer Triangle may save her marriage and family.