Linda M. Au

Linda will have her three cozy mysteries, her collections of humor essays, and several other novels with her at the Canal Town Book Fest.
In addition to writing and doing prepress work for others, Linda M. Au enjoys typewriters, tech gadgets, cruise ships, cats, guinea pigs, semi-tame squirrels, crocheting, air conditioning, meandering around Sam's Club looking for huge vats of salsa, and anything else that lends a grand sense of bold adventure to her life. Because clearly she’s an adrenaline junkie.

The Scarlet Letter Opener
When proofreader Maggie Velam stumbles upon the body of her small town’s newspaper editor, she becomes entangled in the mystery of who could have done such a thing to a man nobody liked anyway. Then someone else is found dead, and Maggie’s attention to detail kicks in. She partners with friend Helga and grown son, Seth, to figure out whodunnit … before someone else winds up dead.

Secret Agent Manny
Bored empty nester Amanda Charles has too much time on her hands. After an “incident” at the house while Amanda is away, she begins to suspect that her husband, Manny, is not really an engineer, but is instead a spy … and she inadvertently turns their lives upside down in her quest to discover the truth. Does Manny really work at the nuclear power plant … or is he a spy? Does Manny really take endless trips to the hardware store for power tools and plumbing parts … or is he a spy?
Amanda enlists the help of two of her friends to find out what’s behind Manny’s increasingly suspicious behavior. And, she’s going to find out what’s going on if it kills her.

Travel Documents
By the time our Caribbean cruise aired The Perfect Storm in our stateroom, I could have told you it was going to be THAT kind of vacation.
The whole trip had been a perfect storm of missteps, mishaps, and mistakes, and I knew early on that I had to catalog it all. Unlike a previous cruise, where we were treated to a showing of Titanic in our stateroom but still had a lovely time, most of this week felt like a comedy of errors. Light on the comedy part, and heavy on the errors