David A. Jones

David A. Jones has been a pastor for about 39 years and presently serves part-time as Manager of Chaplaincy Services for Stonerise Healthcare in West Virginia. He and his wife Debra, relocated to Walnut Creek, Ohio, two years ago, joining his son and wife and their three young grandchildren. David also enjoys helping his son and wife work in their new used bookstore, The Bibliophile - For the Love of Books, in downtown Dover.

Eternal Encouragements - A six month devotional
"Eternal Encouragements - A Six Month Devotional" was published in March of this year and provides a generous supply of daily devotionals written during and for those who have been adversely affected by the worldwide covid pandemic. These pieces provide biblical instruction and guidance for handling life's trials and struggles.

Dollars and Biblical Sense
"Dollars and Biblical Sense" is something of a personal financial memoir, presenting what the Bible has to say about all things financial as well as illustrating these principles with many incredible personal stories relaying God's great wisdom and provision for the author's family over the years.

A Biblical Guide to Caregiving
"A Biblical Guide to Caregiving" is a training manual for preparing people to care for others who are going through the valleys of life. Topics such as helping people in hospitals and nursing homes, caring for one's older family members, helping the bereaved, those with serious financial difficulties, etc. Also provided is clear instruction in how to organize care ministries in church settings.