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Author Pen Name:
Conrad J. Storad

Author Bio
Conrad J. Storad is the award-winning author or editor of more than 60 science and nature books for young readers. The Magical History Tour (A fictional visit to Barberton, Ohio…past, present, and future) is his new title for 2025. Storad also writes “Conrad’s Classroom,” a monthly science/nature column in Story Monsters Ink, a national-award winning magazine. An accomplished storyteller, Storad has “edutained” more than
1 million students and teachers across the nation with his programs and writing workshops that promote reading and science literacy.
After 33 years living and working in Tempe, Arizona, Conrad and wife Laurie now live in their old hometown of Barberton, Ohio, where he was a 2017 honoree on the city’s Walk of Fame.
Bio Snippets for Social Media
My motto is "Never stop reading, and you'll never stop learning!"
Interest in Participating in Panels or Story Time
Making Nonfiction Fun! Writing about science and nature for young readers.

Book 1:
The Magical History Tour (A fictional visit to Barberton, Ohio...past, present, and future)
Barberton, Ohio is a special place. Those of us born and raised here know it as “The Magic City.” That name goes back to the city’s origins in the early 1890s. The history of Barberton is complex and rich with stories that include many interesting characters. Many detailed accounts of our city’s history and its people have already been written. I am a storyteller, not a historian. This book is a work of historical fiction. It is a story written for third graders, boys and girls ages 9 and 10. As a reader, think of this little book as your passport to learning. I want to get readers of all ages interested in learning more about Barberton, past, present, and future. That is why I decided the narrator for my story should be a squirrel, not a human.

Book 2:
Gator, Gator, Second Grader (Classroom pet...or not!)
When Benny and Jacob bring a baby alligator in a cardboard box to their Second Grade classroom, their teacher has a memorable lesson to share. "A baby gator is NOT a good classroom pet!" Leading her students in a lively discussion about powerful jaws, sharp teeth, and slashing tails. Mrs. Nichols helps her students answer a very important question: Which creatures DO make good classroom pets? Narrated by a gerbil named "Snoozer," this book is a fun-filled frolic with science that feels more like a trip to the zoo.

Book 3:
Rattlesnake Rules
Animals learn rules by living. They have no books or schools. Please pay attention to this story...for even rattlesnakes have rules!
Allergies and Dietary Restrictions
NONE. As long as the food is not wiggling on the plate, it works for me. Unless I'm really, really hungry.
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