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Author Pen Name:
Kathleen Evans Horn
Author Bio
Within the last five years, Kathleen finally found her niche, when she became the site manager for a Civil War Museum in her hometown. Looking back, it's as if she trained for the position her entire life. Immersing herself in novels from the Victorian era all of her adult life helped prepare her for her current job, but it also fed the fire within her to write inspirational romance novels. She has written two so far and is currently working on another project. Kathleen lives with her husband, John, on a small farm with five pet sheep and two geese. The couple worship at the Carrollton Bible Chapel where Kathleen loves to sing special music and share in a children's ministry.
Bio Snippets for Social Media
I love how the characters in my novels arrest my sensibilities and hold me captive until with great sadness I write the last word.
Interest in Participating in Panels or Story Time
Book 1:
Emma Eden dropped from exhaustion onto the soft cushions beneath the gazebo's shelter. Imaginations of the rakish Farnsworth and the brooding Nicholas came to mind, but these were banished when a certain barrister by the name of Thomas Collinsworth III captivated her thoughts. Thomas. The one who appeared out of nowhere to whisk her away to freedom from the dreaded highwaymen. Dare she think of him as more than a friend? Would he put his faith in the unseen Providence? Would he break the engagement between himself and her sister? She closed her eyes, expecting to be overwhelmed by concerns, but experienced...peace.
Book 2:
The story unfolds with Emma and Thomas taking their relationship to a higher level—holy matrimony! We bite our lip nervously when Thomas assumes the guise of Farnsworth to locate notorious highwaymen in defence of the just. We empathize with Emma, who takes on the heady responsibility of matriarch of her new home and comes head-to-head with the indomitable housekeeper, Mrs. Olsson. Amid challenges and adventure, Emma and Thomas have their faith and trust sorely tested when one of them arrives at tragedy's door. Which one will it be?
Book 3:
Allergies and Dietary Restrictions
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